Drupal meetup on 27/04/2013 (Saturday) : in a nutshell

Today in Delhi, as the temperature was rising, so the Drupalers’ urge to attend the Drupal meet was rising in same proportion. It all started few days back on meetup.com. and held at Srijan’s CP Office. First time we got such a large number of Drupalers in meetup. We discussed a lot of things during the event. There were some guys who couldn’t attend the event due to some reason. So, the community decided to have a summary to share with those guys. So, here we go!

We started around 10:30 AM with “Responsive Layouts” by Sanjay Rohila, (Front-end Developer, Srijan Technologies).
He talked about CSS Media Queries and the things to take care of when developing a web-site targeting all the possible devices/screen sizes. He also discussed issues related with  images and videos when going responsive. It was a very fruitful discussion.

After that Prashant Goel (Developer, Srijan Technologies) discussed the thing everyone is concern about : Drupal’ performance. Yes, there were some fruitful outcomes, which are summarized below:

Tools to use for testing performance:

  • Siege
  • Apache Benchmarking
  • jMeter
  • Yslow
  • Devel

Steps to take care to improve site’s performance:

  • Use necessary modules
  • Use catching
  • Enable aggregation
  • Code in Drupal’s way
  • Optimize views queries
After that we had lunch. huuhh…. yes! Drupalers are also humans and they eat food! 😛
We were taking a nap after taking tea and pizzas, which suddenly breaked with discussion initiated by Nitesh (Developer, Srijan Technologies). He discussed how to start contributing to D.
Most of the peoples don’t take testing seriously as much serious it is. It is the only reason that most of the projects gets delayed and leads to degradation in quality subsequently lower customer satisfaction. Guys from teamie took initiative to mark out it’s importance. We discussed SimpleTest‘ importance. During the discussion I came to know that there is a plan to make .test files mandatory i D8. 🙂 I wish other platforms should learn something from Drupal now.
Doing things fast and right is all what we need. I was full of enthusiasm to discuss how to accomplish things with Drupal @speed of thought. Getting things done fast and right. Yes, we were talking about Drupal distributions, a magical answer from D community to get things done fast and right at place. We continued to discuss about various cons and pros of these distributions. Challenges faced when using them and other issues related.
Then time was to setup a frequency and agenda for such  meetups. And in the last, with community’s decision was that it will take place on each month’s last Saturday.
There were some other pointers I found useful during the meetup that Drupalers shared with each other:
The meetup execution was successful, enjoyed much, learned more….
Drupalers stay connected! join the group now to stay on the top of latest happenings. See you in next meetup.
And yes! please add in comments anything I missed out 🙂
You can get in touch with me on twitter as well for further updates…. Pradeep Kumar (@prady00)

One Reply to “Drupal meetup on 27/04/2013 (Saturday) : in a nutshell”

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